Monday, August 24, 2009


It has been a while since the last post and I apologize for that. I was busy with a course at the University of Alberta and we have been busy working on the 'old' house to get it ready for sale.

We recently had a Design Center appointment. Please see the next post for information.

The update for this post is that we have a new sales representative helping us through the building process. We are not too sure of the exact details, but Claudia is no longer an employee of Reid-Built and Joanne is now overseeing all of the paperwork and details regarding the building of our home.

The transition caused some set backs in terms of the time line that we were hoping for.

The biggest issue that we faced was with the extension to the back of the house that we had requested. Initially, we had drawn and agreed to a boot room being built off of the nook in the kitchen. When we met with Joanne to go over the electric blue prints, the boot room was not a room but just an extension of the nook. After making the necessary changes and accepting the associated costs, we moved on to an issue with the downstairs bathroom. We had wanted to develop the bathroom in the basement because the cost to do so was so good. The reason it was so good was that the cost of developing the bathroom had not been included. This was also added. After a few other changes, we are now on the same page as Joanne and things are moving ahead.

The transition was not as smooth as we would have liked, but I think we are in very capable hands and we can move on with the process.

-Future residents of 815 Foxwood Bay